France welcomes N.S.F. PhD candidates!
Following the last joint Committee of Science and Technology between France and the United States (October 2012), N.S.F. and M.E.S.R.I. decided to launch the GROW France program. The program allows PhD candidates funded by N.S.F. to cooperate with French research teams during a stay from three to twelve months in France.
The main features of the program are:
- Funding by N.S.F. to cover the installation and the travel costs of the candidate $ 5,000 (flat rate regardless of the length of stay)
- Funding by the French host institution for living expenses and research activities of the candidate between € 400 and € 1,700 per month to be determined by the PhD candidate and the host. Part of this funding may be in kind.
N.S.F. candidates: Prepare your application
How to find your host institution in France?
Graduate Research Fellows shall contact in advance potential host teams. A list of French institutions/laboratories that expressed their interest in hosting a N.S.F. PhD candidate is maintained by M.E.S.R.I. (non exhaustive list):
For a wider landscape you may consult the website of the research alliances to identify potential host institutions:
- In environment: Allenvi
- In I.C.T.: Allistene
- In energy: Ancre
- In social sciences and humanities: Athena
- In life sciences and health: Aviesan
When you potentially identify the research organisation, you can consult its website. All French public research organisations are registered here:
Important : Before the submission, the eligibility of the French host institution has to be approved by the M.E.S.R.I.
Contact Grow France
Prepare your application with the host
When preparing your application, it is important to contact the French institution in order to get a letter of support. In addition, the host institution will have to prepare the financial support of your stay. To do so, please give all the information (your N.S.F. statute, dates...) to the French institution.
The host institution may cover:
- Your living expenses that may be in kind.
- Your research activities
A contribution from the French institution (funding or in kind) is mandatory.
The French contribution should range between € 400/month to € 1,700/month. Practical modalities will be written in a letter of commitment to be reviewed by M.E.S.R.I.
Before the submission, you and the French institution have to contact the M.E.S.R.I. in order to approve the eligibility of the French Laboratory
Contact Grow France
You shall submit your application to N.S.F.. The evalution will be made first by N.S.F. then by M.E.S.R.I.
French institutions: Become a host institution for GROW France
All French research institutions may participate in the GROW France program.
The commitment to host a N.S.F. candidate corresponds to:
- The capacity to fund the stay of the PhD candidate in France.
- To define with the PhD candidate the practical modalities (exact amount, in kind support...) when he/she prepare his/her application.
The French contribution should range between € 400/month to € 1,700/month. The institution shall send a letter of commitment to be reviewed by M.E.S.R.I.
Timeline 2017-2018
Only the N.S.F. official calendar is binding.
- 15 December 2017: deadline for submission
- December 2017-March 2018: evaluation by N.S.F.
- March 2018: evaluation by M.E.S.R.I.
- April-May 2018: publication of results
- June 2018: possible start of stays in France
Host institutions list