cours / présentation

The Changing Nature of Invention in Computer Science

What drives inventions in computing? Necessity seems to play only a minor role. Anger at the way things are is much more powerful, because it leads to easier ways to work (the invention of new computer languages). A general dissatisfaction with the practical or theoretical structure of the world c...

Date de création :


Auteur(s) :

Denis Shasha


Informations pratiques

Langue du document : Français
Type : cours / présentation
Niveau : master, doctorat
Durée d'exécution : 1 heure 7 minutes 13 secondes
Contenu : vidéo
Document : video/mp4
Poids : 332.44 Mo
Droits d'auteur : libre de droits, gratuit
Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs.

Description de la ressource


What drives inventions in computing? Necessity seems to play only a minor role. Anger at the way things are is much more powerful, because it leads to easier ways to work (the invention of new computer languages). A general dissatisfaction with the practical or theoretical structure of the world can open up whole new approaches to problems (complexity theory and cryptography). Finally, a genuine collaboration between people and machines can lead to an entirely new kind of engineering for devices that will travel to far-off planets or to hostile environments.   The talk will discuss the work of several inventors in computing and engineering, their inventions, and how they came up with them and how they plan to come up with more in the future.

"Domaine(s)" et indice(s) Dewey

  • Computer Science (004)
  • Innovation (123.456)


  • Généralités
  • Informatique
  • Informatique
  • Philosophie, éthique, métaphysique, épistémologie

Intervenants, édition et diffusion


Fournisseur(s) de contenus : Région PACA, UNS, CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, INRIA (Institut national de recherche en informatique et automatique)


  • INRIA (Institut national de recherche en informatique et automatique)
  • Région PACA


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Entrepôt d'origine : Canal-U

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