End or future of the Social Housing. Beyond Europe: présentation de la plénière/ C. Lévy-Vroelant
Date de création :
07.07.2011Auteur(s) :
Claire LÉVY-VROELANTPrésentation
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Description de la ressource
End or future of the Social Housing. Looking beyond Europe: présentation de la plénière / Claire Lévy-Vroelant. In "Mixité : an urban and housing issue? Mixing people, housing and activities as urban challenge of the future", 23ème colloque international de l'European Network for Housing Research (ENHR), organisé par le Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Solidarités, Sociétés, Territoires (LISST) à l'Université Toulouse II-Le Mirail, 5-8 juillet 2011. Plénière 5, 7 juillet 2011. In European ‘old’ countries, there is an evolution toward residualisation or at least marginalisation of social housing, while the supply hardly meets the demand. In that context, different responses are available. The state of maturation or dilapidation of the ‘welfare state’, the historical forms of collective and individual protection (including home ownership), the position of economic and financial stakeholders, the transformation of ‘civil societies’ and forms of participation, are probably among the main factors that help to explain or at least to describe precisely the ongoing transformations. To what extend the less and less efficient ‘European social model’ would take benefit in considering what is going on in ‘other’ places, sometimes seen as ‘past’, and sometimes as ‘future’? What are the processes Social Housing is involved in and do they refer to similar factors? Are there other forms (of socialised property) that allow better repartition of goods and protections - in terms of housing but more generally in terms of wealth? Are for instance intermediate tenures, or/and mix tenures opening interesting perspectives for providing affordable (if not social) housing? Is the homeownership model definitely in opposition with Social Housing? Looking at East Asian’s and European post-socialist societies and housing policies, the session addresses the question of possible developing models and practices providing a kind of ‘mix’ housing supply, and the place of social housing in it. Finally, the stake is to better understand to what extend comparisons could be useful, or ‘lessons’ could be taken.
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- Autres groupes (305.9)
- Urbanisme. Aménagement du territoire (711)
- Sociologie et démographie économiques
- Sociologie, processus sociaux, interaction sociale
- Gestion et aménagement des territoires
Intervenants, édition et diffusion
- Université Toulouse II-Le Mirail
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