cours / présentation

Looking for traces of life on Mars

In the 20th century, a few scientists thought Mars was inhabited by a civilization that had made the canals we can see from the Earth.

Today, the Curiosity rover, with its sophisticated tools, is searching the red planet for traces of life. Thanks to conversations with scientists working o...


Informations pratiques

Langue du document : Français
Type : cours / présentation
Temps d'apprentissage : 0
Niveau : licence
Durée d'exécution : 0
Langues : Français
Contenu : vidéo, son, texte
Public(s) cible(s) : enseignant, apprenant
Document : Document HTML
Droits d'auteur : pas libre de droits, gratuit
Licence Creative Commons : Attribution, Pas d'utilisation commerciale, Partage dans les mêmes conditions

Description de la ressource


In the 20th century, a few scientists thought Mars was inhabited by a civilization that had made the canals we can see from the Earth.

Today, the Curiosity rover, with its sophisticated tools, is searching the red planet for traces of life. Thanks to conversations with scientists working on Martian exploration, this film offers a fascinating adventure into the latest discoveries.

  • Granularité : grain
  • Structure : collection

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Version : v1
Statut de la fiche : final
Schéma de la métadonnée : oai:uved:Cemagref-Marine-Protected-Areas
Entrepôt d'origine : UVED

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