Systems approaches to the food environment Law on food labelling and advertising: the Chilean experience
Dra. Lorena Rodríguez Osiac (Professor, Public Health Institute, University of Chile) presents the experience implemented in Chile : she describes the set of strategies that have been implemented to tackle obesity, ranging from community interventions measures and care programs for peop...
Date de création :
03.11.2022Auteur(s) :
Rodríguez Osiac LorenaPrésentation
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Licence Creative Commons : Attribution, Pas d'utilisation commerciale, Partage dans les mêmes conditions
Description de la ressource
Dra. Lorena Rodríguez Osiac (Professor, Public Health Institute, University of Chile) presents the experience implemented in Chile : she describes the set of strategies that have been implemented to tackle obesity, ranging from community interventions measures and care programs for people with obesity to structural measures such as taxes on sugary drinks and the law.
The main goals were: protect the children, promote food informed selection, and decrease exposure and consumption of foods with high critical nutrients. The actions in order to achieve these goals are multiple : front of package warning label, prohibition of unhealthy food sales at schools, and ban of food marketing directed to children under 14 years old. All of these points are related to cut-off values for sodium, saturated fatty acids, sugars and energy content of foods.
The presentation shows the different steps followed within this experience and the progressive process. It also mentions the complexity of such actions : duration, political and rules implications, technical issues… Dra Rodriguez concludes with positive message, showing the concrete changes that have occurred.
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