Nutrition & Food systems
This course is designed for people involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of nutrition-sensitive food systems and agriculture policies and programmes, policy and decision-makers.
It can also be of interest to students, specialists and professionals working in the...
Date de création :
21.11.2022Auteur(s) :
Egal Florence, Meybeck Alexandre, Fracassi Patrizia, Caron Patrick, Hawkes Corinna, Aburto Nancy, Bricas Nicolas, Raza Ahmed, Klug Israel, Guillermo-Tuazon Maria Antonia, Vargas Melissa, Rakotomalala Christiane, Islas Ramos Ana, Hachem Fatima, Distefano Francesca, Rolle Rosa, Hernandez Garbanzo Yenory, Bayili Adama, Costis Claire, Mattioni Dalia, Rodríguez Osiac Lorena, Tartanac Florence, Santini Guido, Bicksler Abram, Polo Galante Andrea, Seow Ti Kian, Lorvao Clément, Wijnhoven Trudy, Alpha Arlène, Bhattacharjee LalitaPrésentation
Informations pratiques
Licence Creative Commons : Attribution, Pas d'utilisation commerciale, Partage dans les mêmes conditions
Description de la ressource
This course is designed for people involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of nutrition-sensitive food systems and agriculture policies and programmes, policy and decision-makers.
It can also be of interest to students, specialists and professionals working in the areas of food systems, nutrition, agriculture, forestry and fisheries.
This course was designed and developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Agreenium (Institut Agro Montpellier et Cirad), and funded by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, the Université Virtuelle Environnement et Développement Durable(UVED) and Montpellier University of Excellence (Muse).
- Granularité : grain
- Structure : collection
Intervenants, édition et diffusion
Fiche technique
- LOMv1.0
- LOMFRv1.0
- SupLOMFRv1.0
- Voir la fiche XML