Rechercher une ressource pédagogique : CFS

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7 résultats
section 1 sur 1
résultats 1 à 7
Description : In this session, we are going to see how to build an efficient provably secure one-way function from coding theory. As you know, a one-way function is a function which is simple to evaluate and which should be as fast as possible and hard to invert, ideally with good security arguments. There are ...
  • algèbre linéaire
  • chiffrement à clé publique
  • cryptage des données
  • cryptographie
  • code correcteur
  • algorithmes
  • CFS
  • Courtois-Finiasz-Sendrier
Description : In this session, we will have a look at the attacks against the CFS signature scheme. As for public-key encryption, there are two kinds of attacks against signature schemes. First kind of attack is key recovery attacks where an attacker tries to recover the secret key from the knowledge of the p ...
  • algèbre linéaire
  • chiffrement à clé publique
  • cryptage des données
  • cryptographie
  • code correcteur
  • algorithmes
  • CFS
  • Courtois-Finiasz-Sendrier
Description : Welcome to the last week of this MOOC on code-based cryptography. This week, we will be discussing other cryptographic constructions relying on coding theory. We have seen how to do public key encryption and now we will see other kind of constructions. This first sequence we'll be having a look ...
  • algèbre linéaire
  • chiffrement à clé publique
  • cryptage des données
  • cryptographie
  • code correcteur
  • algorithmes
  • CFS
  • Courtois-Finiasz-Sendrier
Description : In this session, I will present a variant of the CFS signature scheme called parallel-CFS. We start from a simple question: what happens if you try to use two different hash functions and compute two different CFS signatures? For the signer, you simply take twice as much computation because you ...
  • algèbre linéaire
  • chiffrement à clé publique
  • cryptage des données
  • cryptographie
  • code correcteur
  • algorithmes
  • CFS
  • Courtois-Finiasz-Sendrier
Description : In this session, we are going to have a look at Stern’s Zero-Knowledge Identification Scheme. So, what is a Zero-Knowledge Identification Scheme? An identification scheme allows a prover to prove his identity to a verifier. And the Zero-Knowledge Protocol is an interactive protocol where one pro ...
  • algèbre linéaire
  • chiffrement à clé publique
  • cryptage des données
  • cryptographie
  • code correcteur
  • algorithmes
  • CFS
  • Courtois-Finiasz-Sendrier
Description : In this session, I am going to present the Courtois-Finiasz-Sendrier Construction of a code-based digital signature. In the previous session, we have seen that it is impossible to hash a document into decodable syndromes. But it is possible to hash onto the space of all syndromes. The document is ...
  • algèbre linéaire
  • chiffrement à clé publique
  • cryptage des données
  • cryptographie
  • code correcteur
  • algorithmes
  • CFS
  • Courtois-Finiasz-Sendrier
Description : In the last session of this week, we will have a look at the FSB Hash Function which is built using the one-way function we saw in the previous session. What are the requirements for a cryptographic hash function? So, it is a function which takes an input of arbitrary size and outputs a fixed si ...
  • algèbre linéaire
  • chiffrement à clé publique
  • cryptage des données
  • cryptographie
  • code correcteur
  • algorithmes
  • CFS
  • Courtois-Finiasz-Sendrier