Rechercher une ressource pédagogique : Constraint Satisfaction Problem

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3 résultats
section 1 sur 1
résultats 1 à 3
Description : This second module deals with application-oriented constraints. At the end of this module, the learner will be able to master the core constraints.
  • programmation par contraintes
  • constraint programming
  • problème combinatoire
  • problème de satisfaction de contraintes
  • Constraint Satisfaction Problem
  • propagation de contraintes
  • algorithme de recherche de solution
  • counting constraint
  • nvalue constraint
  • global cardinality
  • graph con ...
Description : Catalogue of global constraints where each constraint is explicitly described in terms of graph properties and/or automata and/or first order logical formulae with arithmetic. When available, it also presents some typical usage as well as some pointers to existing filtering algorithms.
  • programmation par contraintes
  • constraint programming
  • problème combinatoire
  • problème de satisfaction de contraintes
  • Constraint Satisfaction Problem
  • propagation de contraintes
  • algorithme de recherche de solution
  • global constraint
  • graph
  • automaton
  • first order formula
  • symmetry,; ...
Description : This first module introduces basic constraints in constraint programming. Constraint programming is used to represent a problem so as succinct, ie ideally with few variables and few constraints. The first part explain in natural langage a programming constraint and give interpreting of the notation ...
  • programmation par contraintes
  • constraint programming
  • problème combinatoire
  • problème de satisfaction de contraintes
  • Constraint Satisfaction Problem
  • propagation de contraintes
  • algorithme de recherche de solution
  • alldifferent constraint
  • element constraint