Rechercher une ressource pédagogique : Cosmology

Le moteur de recherche des ressources pédagogiques donne accès à un ensemble de documents mis à disposition par l'Université Numérique, les établissements d'enseignement supérieur et Canal U. Vous y trouverez des productions universitaires dans l'ensemble des domaines de formation.


3 résultats
section 1 sur 1
résultats 1 à 3
Description :

What is the difference between these two celestial bodies? How did they appear? Can they tell us something about the way life appeared on Earth? This documentary produces the latest theories on the subject, particularly the apparition of water and life on Earth, brand-new iconography, as well as ...

  • life
  • cosmology
  • comets
  • asteroids
  • astrology
  • Astronomie. Astrophysique. Recherche spatiale. Géodésie
Description : At this invitation-only conference, invited speakers and panelists summarized the advances in the numerous fields of astrophysics and cosmology in which Joe Silk has made substantial contributions: galaxy formation, dark matter, large-scale structure, the cosmic microwave background, gravitational ...
  • Dark Matter
  • Cosmology
  • astrophysics
  • astronomy on the Moon
Description : I propose to discuss how we arrived at the tightly woven network of evidence that shows we have a good approximation to what happened as the universe expanded and cooled, and then present considerations that I take to indicate that we may be able to find still better approximations to realit ...
  • Big-Bang
  • Cosmology