Rechercher une ressource pédagogique : cryptage des données

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46 résultats
section 1 sur 5
résultats 1 à 10
UNISCIEL (unisciel)
UNISCIEL (unisciel)
Description : Kezako, la série documentaire qui répond à vos questions de science, aborde cette fois-ci la question : Comment crypte-t-on les données sur internet ? Découvrez les différentes techniques de codage et leurs applications à internet.
  • cryptage des données
  • codage
  • internet
  • sécurité des données
  • nombre premier
  • clef de crytage
  • kezako
Description : In this session, we are going to see how to build an efficient provably secure one-way function from coding theory. As you know, a one-way function is a function which is simple to evaluate and which should be as fast as possible and hard to invert, ideally with good security arguments. There are ...
  • algèbre linéaire
  • chiffrement à clé publique
  • cryptage des données
  • cryptographie
  • code correcteur
  • algorithmes
  • CFS
  • Courtois-Finiasz-Sendrier
Description : In this session, we will present an attack against Algebraic Geometry codes (AG codes). Algebraic Geometry codes is determined by a triple. First of all, an algebraic curve of genus g, then a n-tuple of rational points and then a divisor which has disjoint support from the n-tuple P. Then, the A ...
  • algèbre linéaire
  • chiffrement à clé publique
  • cryptage des données
  • cryptographie
  • code correcteur
  • algorithmes
  • GRS code
Description : In this session we will discuss the proposal of using generalized Reed-Solomon codes for the McEliece cryptosystem. As we have already said, generalized Reed-Solomon codes were proposed in 1986 by Niederreiter. Recall that these codes are MDS, that is, they attain the maximum error correcting capacity ...
  • algèbre linéaire
  • chiffrement à clé publique
  • cryptage des données
  • cryptographie
  • code correcteur
  • algorithmes
  • GRS code
Description : In this session, we will introduce an attack against binary Reed-Muller codes. Reed-Muller codes were introduced by Muller in 1954 and, later, Reed provided the first efficient decoding algorithm for these codes. Reed-Muller are just a generalization of generalized Reed-Solomon codes. Generalized ...
  • algèbre linéaire
  • chiffrement à clé publique
  • cryptage des données
  • cryptographie
  • code correcteur
  • algorithmes
  • GRS code
Description : In this session, we will talk about using subcodes of a Generalized Reed–Solomon code for the McEliece Cryptosystem. Recall that to avoid the attack of Sidelnikov and Shestakov, Berger and Loidreau proposed to replace Generalized Reed–Solomon codes by some random subcodes of small codimension. H ...
  • algèbre linéaire
  • chiffrement à clé publique
  • cryptage des données
  • cryptographie
  • code correcteur
  • algorithmes
  • GRS code
Description : In this session, we will have a look at the attacks against the CFS signature scheme. As for public-key encryption, there are two kinds of attacks against signature schemes. First kind of attack is key recovery attacks where an attacker tries to recover the secret key from the knowledge of the p ...
  • algèbre linéaire
  • chiffrement à clé publique
  • cryptage des données
  • cryptographie
  • code correcteur
  • algorithmes
  • CFS
  • Courtois-Finiasz-Sendrier
Description : Now in session 8, we will present yet another evolution of information set decoding. Before presenting this improvement, we will first improve the Birthday Decoding algorithm what I call a Further Improvement of Birthday Decoding. I will consider the two following lists. The difference between those ...
  • algèbre linéaire
  • chiffrement à clé publique
  • cryptage des données
  • cryptographie
  • algorithmes
Description : Welcome to the last week of this MOOC on code-based cryptography. This week, we will be discussing other cryptographic constructions relying on coding theory. We have seen how to do public key encryption and now we will see other kind of constructions. This first sequence we'll be having a look ...
  • algèbre linéaire
  • chiffrement à clé publique
  • cryptage des données
  • cryptographie
  • code correcteur
  • algorithmes
  • CFS
  • Courtois-Finiasz-Sendrier
Description : In this session, I will detail two combinatorial solutions to the decoding problem. The first one is the Exhaustive Search. To find our w columns, we will simply enumerate all the tuples j1 to jw and check whether the corresponding column plus the syndrome is equal to zero modulo 2. In detail here ...
  • algèbre linéaire
  • chiffrement à clé publique
  • cryptage des données
  • cryptographie
  • algorithmes