Rechercher une ressource pédagogique : fishing

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2 résultats
section 1 sur 1
résultats 1 à 2
Description : The marine environment is uneasy of access, so Pierre Chavance presents some current ways to better know the state of the marine biodiversity and resources. He focuses on the accompanying and surveillance measures of the fishing boats, especially on the boats fishing with a seine.
  • surveillance
  • oceans
  • seine fishing
Description : Serge Bahuchet comes back to some crucial uses of the environment by the human populations: hunting, harvestinf, farming and agriculture. He evidences the complementarity of those uses, the specialisation of individuals or populations, and all the knowledge linked to those natural environments, ...
  • agriculture
  • hunting
  • fishing
  • harvesting
  • ethnoecology
  • farming