Rechercher une ressource pédagogique : planetery science

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2 résultats
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résultats 1 à 2
Description :

Since it started orbiting around Saturn in 2004, the Cassini-Huygens probe has been exploring Saturn and its moons. Not a single day has gone by without new images from that extraordinary faraway planet.

Planetologists and astrophysicists from across the world came to Nantes at the EPSC-DPS Conference ...

  • Mars
  • astronomy
  • astrobiology
  • planet
  • planetery science
  • Astronomie. Astrophysique. Recherche spatiale. Géodésie
Description :

In the 20th century, a few scientists thought Mars was inhabited by a civilization that had made the canals we can see from the Earth.

Today, the Curiosity rover, with its sophisticated tools, is searching the red planet for traces of life. Thanks to conversations with scientists working on Martian ...

  • Mars
  • astronomy
  • astrobiology
  • planet
  • planetery science
  • Astronomie. Astrophysique. Recherche spatiale. Géodésie